My Sweet Kaycee girl is Two Months Old today!!!!! She is really starting to smile and visually focus on us more! We had her birthmom over to our home on December 26th for dinner/ Christmas gathering. I never in a million years thought I'd have my adopted child's birth mother to our home-- "OMG she'll know where we live! Ahhhhh!!!" But really it's obviously nothing like that! Many people look at me strange when I tell them she came over and I know what they are thinking cuz heck I thought it too... We had a wonderful time and she is a delight. She was so sweet and brought clothes and a toy for Kaycee. We will see her again in January for Kaycee's Baptism. I expect our visits will decrease after that and slowly meld into our original agreement but I'm fine with how everything is going so far...
One thing I did not expect to feel was "adoptive parent guilt." I never even heard this term until I saw it posted on a friend's Facebook page. I had a bad case of it last week. KBM texted me and told me MTV's 16 and pregnant was doing a show on adoption. I watched it on my computer the next day and it really pulled on my heartstrings. I love KBM so much and my heart aches for her-- my happiness is her sadness and this makes me feel sad. Here's the link to that episode:
16 And Pregnant (Season 2) | Ep. 19 | Ashley
It's a long one but phew it's good to see the other side too. Well that's it for now!